Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Game console industry Essay Example for Free

Game console industry Essay Provide an overview of the company. Include any information you think is pertinent to this company (5 points) Nintendo is a company that creates video games and game consoles. Nintendo is the creator of the Game Boy, Super Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube and of course the Wii. Nintendo is only one of the few companies that create gaming systems, and is in constant competition with Sony (PlayStation) and Microsoft (Xbox). Nintendo’s revenues in 2009 were $19,308. 1 million, with a net income of ,930. 8 million. 1. What are the defining business and economic characteristics of the video game console industry? What is the industry like? (10 points) Sales of video game consoles, software, and accessories reached a record high of $23. 1 billion in 2008. Despite the increasing intensity of competition, the video gaming industry as a whole had continued to grow through the end of 2008 in the face of the downturn in the general world economy. 2. What is competition like in the video game console industry? Do a five-forces analysis to support your answer. Complete the following as part of your answer. Make sure to explain the reasons for your answers. (10 points) a. The bargaining power and leverage of buyers is a low competitive force b. The bargaining power and leverage of suppliers is a low competitive force. c. Competition from substitutes is a high competitive force. d. Threat of entry is a low competitive force. e. Rivalry among competing video game console producers is a high competitive force. Overall assessment: 3. What forces are driving changes in the video game console industry? Are these driving forces acting to make the industry more or less competitively intense? Are the driving forces acting to make the industry more or less profitable in future years? (10 points) 4. What is Nintendo’s strategy? Which of the five generic strategies discussed is Nintendo using? What are some of the recent offensive and/or defensive strategies that Nintendo has employed? Have these tactics been successful? (10 points) 5. How well is Nintendo’s strategy working in terms of the financial performance it is delivering? Should shareholders be pleased? Why or why not? What 2-3 weaknesses do you see in Nintendo’s financial performance? (15 points) |Performance Ratio |2009 |2008 |2007 |2006 |2005 | |Revenue Growth |16. 61% |73% |89. 79% |-1. 11% |n/a | |Gross Profit Margin |. 43 |. 42 |. 41 |. 42 |. 42 | |Operating Profit Margin |. 30 |. 29 |. 23 |. 18 |. 22 | |Return on Assets |25% |24% |18% |14% |13% | |Return on Equity |. 13 |. 14 |. 18 |. 24 |. 25 | 6. What does a SWOT analysis reveal about the attractiveness of Nintendo’s overall situation? Is the company’s competitive position as solid as top management seems to believe? Does the company have a competitive advantage? If so, what is the basis for this competitive advantage and is the advantage sustainable? (10 points) Nintendo’s Resource Strengths and Competitive Capabilities Nintendo’s Internal Resource Weaknesses and Competitive Liabilities Nintendo’s External Opportunities Nintendo’s External Threats 7. What does a competitive strength assessment reveal about whether Nintendo has a competitive edge? Complete the chart as part of your answer. You are to determine the success factors you deem most important. (20 points) |Key Success Factors |Importance Weight | Nintendo | Sony | Microsoft | | | |Rating Score |Rating Score |Rating Score8. What recommendations would you make to Nintendo to improve its competitiveness in the video game console industry and to maintain its favorable positioning vis-a-vis Microsoft and Sony? (10 points).

Monday, January 20, 2020

Philosophy of Teaching Essay -- Teachers Education Essays

Philosophy of Teaching Children are not required to have real jobs, but they are required to attend school everyday. A teacher’s job is to show children how to make special use of their time and value their educational opportunities. Students do not get paid for their eight a.m. to three p.m. job, but they will be rewarded for the work that they put in. Teachers will only be truly happy and successful if they are dedicated to working hard and providing a positive attitude for their students. The real reward will be the success of their students and the growth of their knowledge of the world around them. I have observed that becoming a teacher is different from training or studying for any other job. Teachers bring their work home with them, both literally and figuratively. All teachers need to bring home papers to grade and lesson plans to work on; yet, becoming a real teacher means taking the job more seriously. Teachers are mentors who tackle little problems that a particular student faces. Teachers deal with the challenges of making lessons fun, creative, and effective. Being a compassionate, caring teacher is a difficult task because educators only have limited time to really make an impact on their students. Most classes only last about forty minutes each day. However, a teacher can make a lifelong impact on the students if he or she devotes energy and creativity for the benefit of the students. I do not think that there is any one teacher who is perf...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

History Indian Democracy and British Raj

India’s struggle for independence by Bipan Citandra Indian National Congress Founded * Founded in December 1885 by 72 political workers. * First organised expression of Indian nationalism on an all-India scale A powerful and long lasting myth ‘the safety valve’ had arisen around this question. The myth is that The Indian National Congress: * Started by A. O. Hume and other under the official direction, guidance and advice of no less a person that Lord Dufferin, the Viceroy * Was to provide a safe, mild, peaceful, and constitutional outlet or safety Valve * For the rising dissatisfaction among the peopleThat was leading towards a popular and violent resolution * Core was that violent revolution was on the cards at the time Was avoided by the foundation of the Congress * Liberals accept it * Writers accept it * Radicals use it to prove that Congress has always been comprising imperialism. * Extreme right use it to show that the Congress has been anti-national from t he beginning All agree that the manner of its birth affected the basic character and future work of the Congress in a crucial manner Young India by Extremist leader Lala Lajpat Raj Used ‘safety valve’ theory to attack the Moderates in the Congress * Suggested Congress ‘was a product of Lord Dufferin’s brain’ * Argued that ‘the Congress was started more with the object of saving the British Empire from danger than with that of winning political liberty for India. The interests of the British Empire were primary and those of India only secondary’. * Added ‘no one can say that the Congress has not been true to that ideal’ India Today by R. Palme Dutt * Myth of the safety valve = an important element in the liberal and adical section of the political system * Wrote that Congress as bought into existence through direct Governmental initiative and guidance and through ‘a plan secretly pre-arranged with the Viceroy’ * Wrote that Congress was used by Government ‘as an intended weapon for safeguarding British rule against the rising forces of popular unrest and anti-impending revolution’ * Said it was ‘an attempt to defeat, or rather forestall, an impending revolution * Said congress had two strands 1. Strand of cooperation with imperialism against the ‘menace’ of the mass movement 2.Strand of leadership of the masses in the national struggle Congress in time became a nationalist body and the vehicle of mass movements. It became the organiser of the anti-imperialist movement. It fought and collaborated with imperialism, and led to the mass movements and when the masses moved towards the revolutionary path, it betrayed the movement to imperialism. Became an organ of opposition to real revolution, a violent revolution. We by M. S. Golwalkar(RSS Chief) Found safety valve theory handy in attaching the Congress for its secularism and anti-nationalism. Said that Hindu nati onal consciousness had been destroyed by those claiming to be nationalists who had pushed the ‘notions of democracy’ and the perverse notion that the Muslims had something in common with the Hindus * Suggested the fight in India was not just between Indians and British it was a ‘triangular fight’ Hindus were at war with Muslims and on the other hand with the British * Said what led Hindus to ‘denationalisation’ was the aims and policy laid down by Hume, Cotton and Wedderburn in 1885 The Rise and Growth of the Congress in India by liberal C.F. Andrews and Girija Mukerji * They fully accepted the safety valve theory * It had helped avoid ‘useless bloodshed’ before as well as after 1947 Tens of scholars and hundreds of popular writers have repeated some version of these points of view. Rise and Growth Despite the fact that Hume was a lover of liberty and wanted political liberty for India under the aegis of the British Crown be was ab ove all an English Patriot , once he saw British rule was threatened with an impending calamity he decided to create a safety valve for the discontent.Hume wrote: ‘I was shown several large volumes containing a vast number of entries†¦ all arranged according to district’ he mentions that he had volumes in his possession only for a week, ‘all going to show that these poor men were pervaded with a sense of the hopelessness of the existing state of affairs; that they were convinced that they would starve and die, and that they wanted to do something, and stand by each other, and that something meant violence’ Very soon the seven volumes started undergoing a transformation * In 1933 (in Gurmukh Hihal Singh’s hands) they became ‘government reports’ * Andrews and Mukerji transformed them into ‘several volumes of secret reports from the CID’ * Came into Hume’s possession in this official capacity Dutt wrote, ‘Hume in his official capacity had received possession of the voluminous secret police reports’

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Teachings of the Bible and the Christian Church About...

Teachings of the Bible and the Christian Church About Human Responsibility for the World The Bible contains many teachings about our human responsibility towards the created world. It talks about the start of creation in Genesis. Here it is made clear that human beings are made in the image of God so that they can continue his good work. At the outset they are given power over the rest of creation and now if all humans work together to make the world a better place they will be more powerful so it will happen, but even if just a few people are not willing to help then all will fall apart (see poster). The other implication here is that the power comes with responsibility. The role of human beings†¦show more content†¦Unfortunately, the people most affected are those who are poorer. The greed and pollution of people in the Northern Hemisphere is having a serious impact on global warming and the worst effects f this are experienced not by us in the Northern Hemisphere but by those in the Southern Hemisphere. These people, already living in great poverty, then suffer even greater problems in terms of severe droughts, famines, flooding etc., which leaves them even poorer. The Bible makes it quite clear that in terms of looking after the world, we have a duty not only to look after the environment but also to look after our fellow human beings. Hence the most important teaching, Love thy neighbour as yourself. Jesus made it quite clear in the story he told about the Good Samaritan that our neighbour is anyone and everyone who is in need, even our enemy, irrespective of thei r race/colour/religion. Another important teaching, called one body many parts, makes it clear that human beings physically make up the body of God here on Earth. We are therefore his hands; his feet etc and therefore we should do what he would do himself if he were physically present. What we should do is look after our neighbour. Furthermore, if just some of us, (one tiny bit of the body) does not do what it is supposed to do then everyone else will be weakened. We must work together inShow MoreRelated Christians and the Environment Essays1243 Words   |  5 Pagespassionately sang, â€Å"What have we done to the world? Look what weve done.† While understanding the risks involved, human beings seem to care little about the environment. Every day that passes seems to leave the world with more to be concerned with, the ever-increasing pollution, the deforestation, and the threat of nuclear waste. Taking responsibility for the environment is a duty that Christians should commit to. 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